Thursday, September 25, 2008

It turned into a Quiet Thought

So, I'm tired. I just want to sleep.
I'm sure everyone's had those moments?

Yesterday ended well, which is good. I needed that.

The barn was a bit of a frantic scrabble. I come at 1:40, they have a note saying all people signed up for the mini prix be out in the field at 2:15. Well, I'm not 'signed up', so, I don't go. Jill comes around and collects the rest of the group A riders (Me, Emily & Liz) and say "Well, I know it's almost 2:15, but go out anyway! Sam can work with you."

... Could you have told me this fifteen minutes ago? Please?

So we went out in the field. Emily and I warmed up on our own and Eagle was really good. He's so much better when I sit the trot, he doesn't get away from me. But when we started trotting fences (...Still doesn't do that, well) he lost his mind, poor guy.

Eventually Sam just told me "Scrape through the course" (Vertical to vertical to fake stone wall to big "OILER" vertical to liverpool to SCARY vertical to coup.) and do the best I could. Cantered it. Yay! We did better. And, my conclusion: When I jump 3'3 I stop worrying about the height "OHMYGODSCARY FENCE I AM GOING TO DIE" Happens around 2'9. When it gets bigger, I just start working on bringing Eagle back.

But, at the end of it, I was exhausted. Legs shaking, arms shaking, panting. It was fun.
And, Sam got on my horse!

Needless to say, my horse is no longer my horse.
Sam got on him after, because she wanted to "Get a better idea of what we're working with".

Note, she also said "Well, we'll pull the senior off him. I'll ride him for you in the morning the rest of the week."

My horse is no longer my horse! =D
I'm entertained. She likes him. Go figure. So, poor Eagle. He's worked twice a day (Yay!) and by Sam (double Yay!)

So, I think that will help. He also got a bath after that (Unhappy guy). But. yeah. Barn was good yesterday.

There was a really nice dinner at the dining hall last night. Salmon, spiced chicken, there was a chocolate fountain.. I have no idea why it was there, but it was nice to eat chicken that wasn't horrible. (Dad? I miss your grilling.) Though I ate with some absolutely crazy people. Jill and Jamie (roommates), Hailee and Meg, Me, two other girls I don't know and a guy named Phil.
I was just sitting there astounded. They're so outrageous, it's hilarious.

Went back to the room, got homework done, showered, napped.

Mark and Kyle were switching rooms, they didn't tell us when. Kristen and I showed up at fifteen to nine, they're done. (Amazing timing. =) I so win.)
So we hang out there until midnight. We (Mark, Kristen and I) all studied Stats together. That was interesting. 'Met' Kyle (adorable) and am still confronted with the age old issue.
How can boys stand to have a room set to 60 degrees and not be freezing, I don't know. I got so chilled. (Stole Mark's sweatshirt. Now, when he'll get it back, is the real question. It's fuzzy! I'm so simply entertained.)
But Mark kicked Meg out at around 10:45. She was loud, hyper.. just 'Meg'. She calls at 11:30. "Where are you?"

..Uh. Still in his room? The key thought to this is that Kristen and I are both 'low key' people. Not high-drama, not high energy. I can be, particularly as it gets later, but I'm typically more quiet. Meg is not.
So when she calls, it's like... right. Nope. Gottagosorrybye.
And yet, she wanted me to help her with a paper.
Thanks for the heads-up??? That annoyed me.

But yeah. Last night was fun. Met more people, had a good time, it wasn't too outrageous. It was a good time.

I get to see Mom and Dad tomorrow, though!!! I'm so excited. =D
Love you!

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